SIMA Environmental Fund

The SIMA Environmental Fund was created to serve as the environmental arm of the Surf Industry Manufacturers Association by raising funds from the public through fundraisers and solicitations. The SIMA Environmental Fund uses these funds to support ecological and environmental organizations whose efforts are focused on enhancing the ocean and beach environment through clean water initiatives, surf preservation/access and ocean conservation education.

Email Melinda Simpson at to secure a table, sponsorship and ad in the event program.

As a 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit foundation, the SIMA Environmental Fund operates through a grant-making program. Tax-exempt environmental groups and organizations wishing to receive funding from the SIMA Environmental Fund must submit and have approved by the SIMA Environmental Fund Board of Directors a grant request form that details the group’s plans for the requested funds.

Since its creation in 1989, more than $10 million in grants have been awarded to various environmental groups through the SIMA Environmental Fund.

SIMA Environmental Fund


Paul Naude / Vissla

Board Members
Beto Bedolfe / Marisla Foundation
Chris Evans / Vissla
Bob Mignogna / Mignogna Consulting